

文章作者:创始人 发布时间:2023-05-02 17:58:55 浏览次数:0

  随着学校生活水平上升 ,饮食问题严重危害孩子的健康,智慧食堂的出现对饮食食谱的制定提出了更高的要求。智慧食堂具备强大的管理功能,不仅包括采购、成本、库存、报表、人员权限等基础食堂管理功能,还有库房管理管控能力,能满足所有类型和规模的食堂管理需求


  With the improvement of school living standards and the serious harm of dietary issues to children's health, the emergence of smart canteens has put forward higher requirements for the formulation of dietary recipes. The smart cafeteria has powerful management functions, including basic cafeteria management functions such as procurement, cost, inventory, reports, and personnel permissions, as well as warehouse management and control capabilities, which can meet the management needs of all types and scales of cafeterias


  By leaving a message on the menu by the dining staff, a customized menu is generated through system screening, which is updated in weekly and monthly formats. The system has opened an online menu message collection function, where diners can provide reference suggestions for dishes based on their personal preferences. The canteen administrator screens the message information and provides customized canteen recipes based on the collected information.


  The cafeteria publicity module displays daily recipes on a weekly basis. Publish the recipe for the day through the electronic display screen of the cafeteria, publicize the recipe and ingredient consumption information, record daily ingredient consumption, ensure that the actual daily supply is consistent with the advertised content, and thereby improve the dining quality of the cafeteria in the campsite.


  Collect and fill in the supplier information required for food ingredients, and form an electronic information form. Support multifunctional conditional filtering to improve information query efficiency for procurement personnel. Regularly collect students' questionnaire surveys on food and answer questions about their satisfaction with dining in the cafeteria.



